My answer is direct, concise and 100% related and a complete answer to the OP as well as others, and the info is still relevant today. Reference this page for what you need/want: Annotated Guide to the Developer. Once in a game, press/hold SHIFT and CTRL and PERIOD (Shift+Ctrl+.) no need to re-select the dev.exe in stardock launcher, (it stays ticked till you untick it).

\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\ Mods-Rebellion v1.85 Dev << should match the above version You could also make a map in galaxy forge where there is one chokepoint and all the ais are beinhd that while you have tons of planets behind you. Cheat Engine is likely to have a solution.

\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.85 << may be different versionĬopy the mod out of that folder and paste it into the folder. But still if in need of cheats in any game. in-game, go to settings> mods>show mod folder. when stardock launcher comes up, hit arrow next to play and click use dev exe. there's a menu, using the dev.exe, that comes with the game. If you do not have trade ports or shipyards on a planet, there is no downside ot social specialization.No command console in the traditional sense. However, if you have any shipyards or trade ports, they will suffer heavily, so use social planets for culture (for the extra bonus) or for your research lab worlds. Already high population planets like Terran and Oceanic tend to be the best candidates as they can have rediculous income when fully upgraded. The popular opposite of Industrial, the nice thing about social is that any planet will make you more tax money with more population. Social Specialization is less powerful but can go on more planet types. A planet with 4+ tradeports and max industrial specialization is rediculously profitable. If you do get Industrial specialization, do not build any culture centers on that planet. Volcanics and Ferrous planets tend to off the most levels of Industrial specialization, but any planet where you put trade ports down will make you money. Industrial specialization should go on any planets where you have lots of trade ports or shipyards (I recommend having at least one specialized shipyard planet, ideally one that has a cost decrease planet bonus if available). Industrial specialization is probably the most powerful one. While planet specializtion isn't need to do well in the game, it can provide nice bonuses, and encourage you to set up your Empire differently to get the biggest bonuses. A full-fledged expansion to the original, Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion draws you even deeper into the galactic struggle for supremacy with appealing.